Sunday, February 26, 2006


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Comments for Members Only at WestSpring Blogs

Welcome to a new blog format West Spring!

Tto comment to the postings, you may need to meet and sign up with me personally as I will be adding members only status to the comments section.

To those who have been commenting, suggesting and tagging responsibly for the benefit of the student population, we value your contributions & ideas.

Mr Rudie Asmara

Monday, February 20, 2006

O-level Results Release 2006

Don Huan congratulated by Ms Mellissa & Mr Vincent on his excellent performance.

Top student for West Spring 2005 Deya congratulated by Mr Prakash and Ms Wee for his exemplary performance.

Kodak smiles = Satisfying results.

Ms Junaidah & Mr Raj going to the tertiary level applications for this well-deserving student.

Oh my God! This is all too unbelievable!!

Mr Liu and Mrs Everlyne Kor handing out a result slip.

Everything's gonna be alright...

The Power of Belief. Mr Rudie with an elated Stella Poh only too happy with her double distinctions in both Additional Math & Elementary Math.

Ms Waheeda definitely don't bear to let her go ( as well as the other students of '05 batch )....

A mixed of pure, raw emotions while anticipating one's results.

Mr Seet announces the release of GCE-O results for the 2005 batch.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Chinese New Year Celebrations 2006

Mr Seet & VP receiving tokens of good fortune from our lions.... Happy Chinese New Year WSSS!

Our ferociously cute lions ... yups they are ours... our very own talented Lion Dance Troope ushsering a happy and prosperous New Year for the school...

Either the Spot-the-Mr-Prakash Contest or teachers belting out a medley of CNY songs... oh yeah we can sing alrite....!

Event would not be complete without our Malay dancers in fashionble green ketupat style doin the Luma-Luma-Luma-Lumalei Dance... (ok I didn't get the exact name of the dance but was immensely entertaining)

You are staring at possibly the next Singapore Idol in this picture.... 4A with their cute and cheerful rendition of GongXi Fa Cai Ang Pow Lai...! My vote goes for ZhengJie! SMS 1800-ZHENGJIE to vote.

The pink fairies troope in coordinated dance steps and colors

God of Fortune on his rounds spreading good fortune for all

Razak blending nicely with the curtains while MC-ing the CNY concert ...

Ms Karen Neo blinded by bevy of beautiful West Spring babe teachers

What a way to kick off the concert in West Spring style than with a resounding 24 drums performance

Three good friends taking front row seats

Madam Hasnah and the top three finalists for the God of Fortune Wannabe Contest - Mr Johar, Mr Hisham & Mr Sharain

More beautiful ladies in cute chongsams

ooooo what BIG stomach you have....

West Spring seniors joining in for the celebrations.

Gongxi GongXi!

A shiny, gold ignot to usher in a prosperous New Year anyone?

The God-of-Fortune & his dutiful assistant cum bodyguard.

Friday, February 17, 2006

A Farewell for Mr Amin

Good Luck to Mr Amin in his studies

Beloved art teacher and colleague Mr Amin will be leaving West Spring Secondary for his further studies. Mr Amin known for his refreshingly original and creative ideas has always been an inspiration to his dedicated Arts students and students who have been trained in film-directing under his tutelage in the Media Club.

Mr Amin will be leaving for beautiful (and enviable) Tasmania, Australia, where he will further refine his knowledge in the Arts. He has been quite sentimental about his departure from the school after having many great memories about the school - with students and staff alike. Mr Amin has been with the school for more than three years and has made countless contributions to the artistic development in the school including inspiring the many mural designs around both the present and the old campus. West Spring will miss the man who can be both gregarious and serious at the same time.

We wish him well in his travels and all the success in his future endeavours! Good Luck Mr Amin!

Monday, February 06, 2006

The XCross Country Weekend

Our cross country team at last Saturday's Cross Country Meet.

The West Spring Team were invited to Ngee Ann Polytechnic on the 4th of February 2006 for the Annual XCampus Run. It was competitive campus event which was open to all Ngee Ann Polytechnic staff & students and also runners from the various secondary schools here. The objective of the event was to allow friends of Ngee Ann Polytechnic (staff, students & visitors) to experience Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s exuberant atmosphere, as what we were told earlier. The event also served as a prelude warm-up race to the Nationals X-Country for us, members of the cross-country team, later in the year.

We had promptly reported ourselves at the grand Ngee Ann Polytechnic Sports’Complex at around 7:35am. Did the basic confirmation at the registration booth, then continued with the warm-ups before all race participants were asked to report for briefing by the officials on safety guidelines, rules and regulations. We saw an equal share of familiar faces and unfamiliar faces. Some of them were our friends from different schools or competitors we had met at previous cross-country competitions.

Our hearts were pumping furiously when it was time for us to prepare ourselves at the starting point. As we walked towards the starting line, we saw the oncoming steep slopes. In our minds, it was not going to be much of a problem because we had been training diligently on high sloping terrain countless times before. For most of us runners, the main purpose here was not really much to outrun the other participants (though an added bonus!). But more to prove to ourselves that the race would be completed no matter how rigorous. Mind over body.

And they were off, as the Guest-of-Honour waved the checkered flag to start off the race. The front runners jostled for the front positions while the rest kept an tactical distance pacing themselves for the gruelling, long run under the punishing morning sun. Everyone looked serious and determined. Every well-conditioned athlete each came with a game plan. There were more than some 300 competitors competing in the race. The boys were to run a distance of 4.2km while the girls were running a 3.1km route. The male runners had started the race and then followed by the female runners, each running in separate catagories.

Some runners even supported and encouraged on one another during the race though they were not from the same school. It was really a matter of true sportsmanship. I remembered running and cheering on a couple of runners along the way. Sometime during the race, I set a target for myself, which was to beat the girl from PLMGS, sporting an unmistakable yellow jersey. She was running in front of me throughout the race. She had a good rhythm in her stride but a West Spring runner was always equally well-trained. I matched here every step of the way. The sprawling Ngee Ann Polytechnic campus was incredibly huge. The many high slopes that we had to conquer looked formidable but it was all in the mind. To endure and not give up.

At the last 300m, I give all I had left in me and sprinted to the finishing line - taking the girl in yellow jersey by surprise. It was all in good fun. Although I did not come in the top 10 positions, what was more important was that I had not given up at any point in the race and started walking. I personally felt that the West Spring runners had done their very best. I congratulated some runners I had met at the finishing line and complimented them on the good job of finishing the challenging race.

After that, while quenching our thrist with the gratifying ice water provided, some of the runners and myself continued cheering on the other runners who were just about to complete their race. Some even waved at us and smiled. We were really happy then. With all that done, it was time for us to return our tags in exchange for our well-deserved goodie bags. In the midst of all the exchanges going on, I met a friend from RI. He was sweet to have said hi to me. All participants then assembled at the track for the prize presentation ceremony. Though West Spring did not capture any trophies, one of our junior runners did us proud by receiving a medal for coming in the 19th position. But the others runners did it well too, by achieving a place in the top 50 of their individual placing.

Lesson to be learnt, to never give up and keep on the passion no matter how hard that hill might be.
