Monday, April 24, 2006

For An Excellent Performance

BandBlog banner awaiting an official blog....

Saturday, April 22, 2006

A West Spring SYF Experience 22 April 06

A tribute to the West Spring Band. Congratulations to an award winning performance. All of West Spring are proud of you!!

A magical moment...

Kinda obvious who was No.1...

Pondering at the skies...

When I grow up, I want to be a band majorette...

Mr Chong and five babes...

A natural leader...

Proud to be West Spring! We gonna win a second time round!

Good friends sharing a joyous occasion...

Ok let's cheer out loud!!

We come in peace....!

Heyyy watch out for the West Spring Wave....!!!

West Spring will rock you indeed....!!!

A moment worth fighting for....


Mace Level7 +25 Charisma, + 50 Agility, +120% to Troop Quick Formation

The story of a cowboy and band majorette ...

Who says girls can't drum...

Trumpeting to the heavens....

pomp pomp pomp....

Silver trumpets...

The Band Major - an extraordinary job with an extraordinary responsibility.

Pink and proud...

Taking command...

When the band goes marching in....

A league of their own...

Winning smiles.... the teachers who made it happened with ex-WestSpringers...

The winning shot... copyright MR RA

Hunt down this photograper who stole a very important shot!!!!

Rated the most downloaded wallpaper by West Spring girls (and everywhere else in Singapore)....

One Rhythm. One Spirit. One Passion.

Kinda obvious Who's No.1?

Friday, April 21, 2006

We wish our brilliant West Spring Band the very best for their performance at the Nationals SYF Band Competition this Saturday! West Spring is wth you all the way!!!

Go West Spring! Go! Cheer out loud... and rrrrrrrrrock the National Stadium!!
Shout out loud West Spring!