Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006
E-Learning Day - 11 May 2006

11th May 2006 has been designated e-learning day for all West Spring students and teachers. Make sure you're logged into your personal accounts to check your assignments already prepared by your subject teachers. Treat all online assignments and tests seriously as marks may be taken into consideration for assessment depending on your teachers' specifications.
Also, spend some time navigating the website for educational games and other e-learning tools.
Have fun studying online while recovering from your camps ;>
Monday, May 01, 2006
West Spring Goes to Camp

Classes are OUT! Camps are IN! All S1, S2, S3 Camps Here We Come!
We have come to an exciting part of the year when West Spring goes to camp! A unique feature about life in West Spring is that our camps involve all our S1, S2 & S3 classes. This happens every other year without fail thanks to the meticulous organization skills of the teachers (extra special thanks to Mr Soh) who come together to plan for an exciting time for everyone. Check with all your peers from other schools, I am quite certain what we are the rare few schools which organizes camps for all 3 levels simultaneously. Better yet we are out camping during school week term! Of course, most of you have worked hard for your earlier class tests to earn this special privallage. Count yourself special West Spring(sters)!.
This is a chance for you to get to know your classmates and peers better at the camp. Hopefully you wil take away with you happy memories of the camp week of all enjoyable and fun-filled moments. From the time you wake up in the morning and get the shock of your lives at your classmates hairdos (without their shiny hairgel) to the sharing the common bathrooms together(hahahaha....!)
Here's some special message to all our happy campers next week.
S1 Campers - The Dairy Farm Camp
The Dairy Farm Camp is located not too far away from West Spring yet it is an entire adventure world of its own. Snugged comfortably in the dense green forests of the Bukit Timah area, sits this outdoor adventure camp which has all the modern camp facilities. Do not be deceived by the all the modern comforts because the camp comes fully equipped with a challenging array of outdoor adventure obstacle course which will put your wit, teamwork and co-operation to the test. Camp adventure includes nature trekking all the way up Bukit Timah Hill traversing a dense, dark forest and a steep uphill challenge. High rope walks, confidence courses and outdoors cooking. You will learn to appreciate Maggie noodles better after this camp. Definitely a must-go memorable and enjoyable camp.
S2 Campers - Jalan Bahtera Camp
A more challenging outdoors experience with lots of climbing, canoeing, trekking, pathfinding, orienteering and lots more...(should keep the surprises for later) expect loads of fun, joy and mosquitos (kidding).... The unmistakable salt sea breeze would overwhelm your senses each time you wake up and the last thing you'd smell before you go to bed. Be prepared to put in lots of teamwork and co-orperation if you choose to survive this camp ;>
S3 Campers - Overseas Camps (various destinations....)
Whoa! The camps of all camps! 3 years in the making. After grooming, rugged outdoors WestSpring(sters), what better way to test the mettle of our students than to put them in a totally foreign land to survive on their own. The funnest of the funnest (English teachers please excuse me) of all camps. The most nostalgic camp ever for any class. This is the one you'd be talking about for years to come. Traversing a foreign land fending for yourself, foreign currency, foreign faces, foreign customs, basically that needs to be foreign is foreign. The only thing familiar are the faces of your classmates which you will find a welcoming sight. A cross between Amazing Race, Survivor and Fear Factor put together. We wish everyone a happy & safe trip.
Happy Camping West Spring!
Do check out last years postings on this same blog (somewhere)on how your seniors camp went... this year we are getting people to write in about the camp experience. This would be the best time to start your class blogs if you havent already.... ;>
To the S4s & 5s - study hard... we are counting on your guys - bring home the grades.
Off to Serawak for CampWeek