International Friendship Week - Love Makes the World Go Round

International Friendship Week has returned once more. This year West Spring would celebrating IFD 2005 in full regalia come Thursday 14th April. Lined up for the special day would be a parade of international costumes by various classes showcasing the finest Japanese kimonos, resplendent Indian saris, intricately oriental Chinese chongsams, and many more notoriously fashionable costumes. From the regal Korean hanbok to the endearing Hawaiian grass skirt, all and more will be paraded in this fiesta of sights and sounds. A host of prizes will be awarded to classes which have prepared songs, slogans, cheers, penpal letters/emails? on the International Friendship Week theme. And don't forget to email that friend in Russia, America, Australia to say hi this week? Keep a copy of it. We would be needing them in the very near future. Au revoir ;>
hey!!!de pic is SOoo0 nicE!!!hehe haPiE fRensHip daY!!!
oh they are our exchange students from Jamaica, Argentina, China, Australia. After 4 years in WSSS, we are gonna exhange them away... ;>
Int'l Friendship Comm
Start with honesty, to earn your way to make real good friends anywhere.
The Honest Guy
exchange us away ? ehh ?
- karenn.
catch it blogm :P
lol karenn is from uk. i see. ;)
happy friendship day u peeeps! :D
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