The Real West Spring

Khadijah one of our top students in 2004 now a proud West Spring senior. Award recepient at the prestigious SEA ceremony last year. Care to share your study secrets?
Of late, I have not much time to blog at length due to my other responsibilities in school. But I have tried my best to keep everyone in West Spring (and ex-West Springers) informed and updated with our Week# in Pictures series.
However quite sadly, the tag board has been abused by some students probably writing in anger and confusion most likely after some pubishment given to them. There were many other tags which contained personal attacks, profanities and comments degrading the school and our teachers. As for tags from people outside our school, let them be. Just goes to show their upbringing and their school image. Simply ignore. But we cannot do the same to our school.
Now let me ask everyone? Do you know of any teacher who is not working hard in West Spring? If you think your study life is hard, step back and observe our teachers. Imagine being in their shoes.
So the answer to my question. I think not. I know not. I know that all of us are working hard to get the teaching done as best as we could. That is our job as teachers.
Your duties out there are to receive and learn as much quickly, efficiently and intelligently. Yes, it takes intelligence to learn. It takes intelligence to realise that we are a young school. And we can only make a name for ourselves if everyone does their part in giving their 110%. Your grades will determine how others speak of our school. So work hard. The school will gain a reputation but you will gain more - knowledge and being a member of a reputable school. Always remember this.
Why do I even bother to start this blog? No one told me to do it. We could have survived and moved along over the years without a school blog and still we would survive. But do you want a school that is just barely surviving a school that you want?
This blog was started to bring the school together with pictures about the Life and culture we have here so that you can find strength in the knowledge that you have many friends around you. You have school mates who are fighting hard in the badminton halls, the soccer fields, the air rifle range, the precision drill parade squares, the National robotics competitions, the mathematics competitions, the drama competitions, the dance competitions ... the list goes on - Why are they doing this?
The answer is simple - to bring glory to this school. So that everyone knows West Spring and what kind of people we are made of. So that when you leave West Spring someday, you can be proud to say to anyone out loud that you came from West Spring. And they will know that you were part of a very great tradition of excellence.
Look at the pictures posted here. You should be proud of them because they are your school mates and this is our West Spring family of well-brought up ladies and gentlemen.
I message is this - don't let your friends and schoolmates down by shaming ourselves here especially when the Internet is open to everyone. I wish you all the best in your studies and your competitions. Get those grades and win those medals! And we will make this school a great school together.
Haiz... BlogM, Ur message so touching.. esp about teachers of WSSS. Some students just being childish... egoistic.. They should learn.. to be wise n intelligent..
- MIS3
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