Blogger Positions Available!!!

Positions available. Only the dedicated & responsible need apply.
Imagine writing for an entire school audience and more to read!
2 positions open for student bloggers to contribute to the West Spring Blog. If selected, you may blog as anonymous bloggers. NO problems so that the blog is more real and no one knows until the end of the year. ;>
(i) Positive, fun, loves West Spring & its people,
(ii) Abiility to write (well) ,
(iii) Responsible.
If you think you've got what it takes to contribute to the best school blog ever with your creative & fun blog entries, come see me personally. Write me a 100++ write-up on why you should be the lucky person. Also, type out what your first blog might be if you are given this great privallege.
Mr Rudie Asmara aka BlogM
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