Behind the stage.

A rooster year. A prosperous year for all of you. (:
Here's a few pictures showing you what your fellow schoolmates have been preparing before showing themselves on the stage. Weeks of training and practising were all paid off for this two and a half hours of concert.
The whole show began with the combination of three different martial arts; Silat, Gongfu and Wushu. The mixture of it gives out the vibes of the beauty combining this three martial arts and with the background music of the kompang and the lion dance's drums, it had totally supported this performance.
A list of performances like the "xiang sheng" by this duo, chinese dance, malay dance, short skit done by tha drama club members, dikir barat and the totally new-to-all performance, the mongolian dance were definitely enjoyable to all. Just a few minutes on the stage requires a lot of time to be forked up behind the stage. That simply implies that all of the performers actually stayed back after school till late hours for the past few weeks to put up this concert for all of you.
Not excluding the emcees, Alvin and Sheila who hosted this whole concert. (:
Anyway, guess who are the real heros behind the scenes ? It is all the teachers who are all so hard-working that they stayed back with the students together whenever there is any practices going on and came to school early in the morning today to help up in doing the make-up and all. Not only that, they actually decorated the school so nicely together with the help of the student leaders.
I guess we really need to salute to them for making that effort to do so. (:
I hope you guys did enjoy yourself today for this less than 3 hours concert and do enjoy your 2-days holidays before returning back to school on the coming friday.
Hereby, on behalf of the BlogM, I wish all of the Chinese students, teachers and friends of West Spring a very Happy Chinese New Year!! :D
The WSSS Blogs.
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