Prom Night - Class of 2004

Well... the big day finally came and went. Indeed, the last formal day for every senior in WSSS to get together and perhaps tonight was the grandest night of them all. Everyone came dresssed in their evening best (though the invitation said "smart casual"), a rare but pleasant sight - bevies of beauties and confident, handsome young men - WSSS very own.
The ever popular William "BingQin" Hung shook his bon-bons to the audience delight and walked away as Prom King and the witty Rionita charmed her way to reign as Prom Queen for the night after the audience sent in their sms-votes. First one ever in Singapore I think at a Prom Night. Once again we have set another National benchmark!
Those who missed out this event for one reason or another, would probably never know what happened other than from the superb kodak moments which will be printed out or published later on (this blog or sch site). The experience tonight was something every senior in WSSS had looked forward to - a culmination of all the years of hardwork, grit and determination.
The class vid wizz('s) really did magic on their vid presentation in an array collages as they re-created their memories at WSSS through series of video images . Shaun, Sarah, Tessa, Sharon, Mr Simon Gan.. (what's with these people with names all starting with S & T? ) must be given special mention for their sheer hardwork and talent in producing those awe-inspiring vids.
I asked someone why was this batch was always touted "the confident one". The reply was that after all the years of working for a dream of a new school, and studying in temporary holding schools, all surviving in the pious hope of a new school. This was one batch that studied and toiled with no references, no shared experience from any senior coz they were the first. This made them resolute, this made them resilient, this built character. And this will take them very far in Life wherever they choose to go.
Just like all the other teachers, I'm gonna miss them all. To the class of S4 2004 - this is just a temporary departure but never a goodbye.
To those who were there - don't you ever forget the feather story.... coz I won't. And pass along the story to those who werent there for the completion of your 4 years in a place you will always fondly remember as your West Spring Secondary School.
Karen's Prom & Pics :
PS - If you wanna share your Prom experience or photo album just tag me your link...
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